Legal Notice


The site

The site accessible at the address is the property of, and is published by: SARL HLA Limited liability company with capital of 822,220 euros, whose head office is located at 691-693 route du Crozet in Apremont ( 73190), registered in the Chambéry trade and companies register, under number 834 951 261.
The publication director is Hélène Morel, associate manager. Email address:
Website hosting is provided by Hostinger International Ltd 61 Lordou Vironos Street Larnaca 6023 Cyprus

Content of this site

All information and data distributed or downloadable on this website are provided for informational purposes only and are non-contractual. SARL HLA takes the greatest care and makes every effort to disseminate on the site the most precise information possible, consequently, SARL HLA declines all responsibility as to the content, accuracy, reliability, the precision, relevance and completeness of this information and data. Any use of the information contained in this website is at the user’s own risk, without SARL HLA being held liable in this regard. SARL HLA declines all responsibility for technical difficulties that may be encountered, where applicable, by the user of this website, whatever the cause (lack of capacity of the browser used to view the information, non-compliance with the integrity of the information during its delivery, etc.)

Intellectual property

The entire content of the site is subject to French legislation on copyright, trademark law, unfair competition law and more generally on intellectual property law. The intellectual property rights of all the constituent elements of this website are the property of SARL HLA and/or the suppliers and authors of the content. Thus any use, reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited. Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The brands mentioned on this site as well as all the logos are registered by the companies which own them. 

Personal data

The user is informed of the regulations concerning the Data Protection Act of August 6, 2004 as well as the general data protection regulations (GDPR). We only collect and process personal data voluntarily provided by you, namely: your first and last names, your postal address, your telephone number, your email address. The site may process all or part of the data to enable navigation and management and traceability of services ordered by the user. In any case, the site does not sell your personal data which is therefore only used out of necessity.

User rights

In accordance with current European regulations, users have the following rights: right of access (article 15 GDPR) and rectification (article 16 GDPR), updating, completeness of user data, right to lock or erasure of personal user data (article 17 GDPR) when they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out of date, or whose collection, use, communication or retention is prohibited, right to withdraw at any time a consent (article 13-2c GDPR), right to limit the processing of user data (article 18 GDPR), right to object to the processing of user data (article 21 GDPR).


Graphic design
© Anne Martiréné Studio

Guil Hadad

© Stéphanie Vassal-Lavy
© Romain Delanez

© Château d’Apremont, 2024